Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

Reduce the Risk of Car Accidents if You Have a Jonesboro Football Party

Arkansas auto accident attorneyWatching a Cowboys, Saints or Arkansas Razorbacks football game can be a lot of fun, especially if you invite friends and family over for a party. While football season is a fun time for house parties, you take on legal risks if you invite certain guests over to your home and serve them alcohol.  Many people drink while watching football games, and as the host of a football party, you should make it your responsibility to ensure guests who leave your home do not end up hurting others by causing car accidents caused by alcohol.

Tips to Reduce the Risk of Car Accidents at a Jonesboro Football Party

Arkansas has a social host law, found in Code Section 3-219. This law states: "A person who exercises control over private property shall not knowingly allow a person under twenty-one (21) years of age who is not a family member of the person to consume alcohol on the private property."

If you have someone under 21 come to your home and you serve them alcohol, you could be held legally responsible if they leave your home and cause a car wreck due to intoxication. You never want to take this chance, so you should never serve alcohol to a minor at a football party or at any other time. If your child has friends over for a football party, make sure your child is also aware of the rules and doesn't have access to alcohol.

If you have adults over, you may not necessarily face the risk of a lawsuit if they drink and then leave your home, but this does not mean you shouldn't try to prevent drunk driving car accidents if you can. Some tips to try to reduce the chances guests will drunk at your party and then drive home drunk include the following:

  • Decide if you really need to serve alcohol or not. One report showed 45 percent of people who watch football games consume three alcoholic beverages over the course of the game, or more. However, you do not necessarily have to make this much alcohol available. You can opt out of serving alcohol entirely as long as you don't think your guests will mind.
  • Limit the amount and types of alcohol you serve. Even if you do decide to provide your guests with alcohol, you don't need to provide enough to get them all drunk. Having a limited amount of alcohol means your friends can still have a good time but won't be so intoxicated they can't make smart choices.  You may also want to stick to beer, rather than hard alcohol or mixed drinks.
  • Take people's keys, or provide a designated driver or ride home if people are drinking. Never let anyone leave the house drunk- offer them a ride or call a taxi service for them.

By following these tips, your football party can be a success and your guests won't pose a risk of car accidents as they go home after the event.

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