Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

Preventing Cargo Truck Rollovers to Reduce Truck Accidents on the Roads of Jonesboro

Jonesboro truck accident attorneysRollover accidents can cause more severe injuries than almost any other type of truck accident. This is because a rollover collision generates a significant amount of force, and this force increases the severity of injuries which are sustained by the drivers, passengers, and other road users involved. Just a few months ago, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported the driver of an 18-wheeler died in a truck rollover on I-30.

Victims who are injured in rollover accidents often have the legal right to be compensated for their financial losses. A Jonesboro truck accident attorney can help victims of rollover truck accidents identify negligent drivers, file claims, and determine whether to file a lawsuit.

Who is Responsible for a Rollover Collision?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, over 78 percent of rollover accidents involve driver error, which often leads to a finding of negligence. When a driver has been found negligent - either by his or her insurance carrier, or by a jury at trial - that driver has a legal obligation to compensate injury victims for the financial losses they sustained in the accident.

Of course, not all rollover accidents are a direct result of the truck driver’s negligence. Some accidents are caused by a defect in the truck’s design or manufacturing, and this can make the manufacturer liable for damages which result in a collision. Improper maintenance can also impose liability upon the truck’s owner. Similarly, a repair shop which negligently repairs a truck may be liable for an accident which is caused by the inadequate work. Finally, a transportation company which employs a negligent driver may also be held vicariously liable if an accident is caused. This is because employers are generally responsible for the negligent conduct of their employees committed within the scope of their employment. Employers can also be liable for conduct which contributes to the driver’s negligence, such as insufficient training or supervision of the driver. 

What Truck Drivers Can Do to Reduce the Risk of Rollovers

With knowledge and experience, truck drivers can reduce their chances of causing a rollover accident. It is important for truck drivers to have basic skill sets, such as controlling a cargo load in turns and on straight roadways. Drivers must also be able to identify high-risk areas in the roadway and respond to these hazards accordingly. Controlling speed and avoiding sudden movements are two very basic steps to help avoid rollovers. Truck drivers who fail to exercise basic caution may be found negligent and thus legally responsible for causing an accident. It is also important for truck drivers to understand the nature of their vehicle and the cargo they are being paid to transport. The inability to respond to basic mechanical issues and challenges presented by a cargo load can also result in a finding that a truck driver was negligent.

There are many causes of rollover accidents. It is important to seek legal advice in order to identify all potential causes and liable parties. Consult with a Jonesboro truck accident attorney as soon as possible after any accident. The advice of an experienced attorney can help accident victims access compensation and protect their legal rights throughout the claims process.


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