Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

Why Police Reports Are Important In Arkansas Auto Accident Claims: An Attorney Explains

Arkansas auto accident attorneyBeing injured in an auto accident in Arkansas can be a frustrating and sometimes life-changing ordeal. Like many crash victims, you may be under the impression that filing a claim and obtaining compensation for your losses is simple.  

Unfortunately, many injured motorists have their claims denied because there is simply not enough available evidence to prove that another driver was at fault. In some cases, crash victims fail to take action because their injuries seem too minor to receive medical attention. However, some injuries can take days to fully manifest themselves. When injured motorists don’t have the evidence needed to support their claim, they often find themselves paying for their own medical expenses. 

One crucial step you can take to help prevent this from happening is filing a police report. It is a pivotal step in building a strong, legal claim. If you have any further questions, a highly skilled auto accident attorney, based in Jonesboro, Arkansas can answer them.  

Gathering evidence from the crash scene

In order for a police report to be filed, crucial details and evidence must be gathered. Immediately after an auto accident occurs, it is imperative that you call the police. In most cases, an officer will arrive and examine the following details at the crash scene: 

  • Tire marks on the road 
  • Where the accident occurred  
  • Amount of damage caused to all vehicles involved 
  • What direction vehicles are facing 
  • Environmental factors such as road conditions and defects 
  • Number of parties involved 
  • If alcohol or drug impairment was a factor 
  • Statements from witnesses 
  • Any citations issued 
  • If any parties were taken in an ambulance 

You must also understand that police may not always arrive at the scene of a crash. This might be due to your location, other emergencies in the area, or whether or not the accident was severe enough for them to respond. 

If police don’t arrive at the scene of the crash, don’t panic. You can still file a police report by gathering your own evidence. After exchanging insurance information with other parties, make sure you take pictures of the accident scene and speak to witnesses. Also make sure you get the witnesses’ full name, phone number and home address if possible. 

Once you have obtained your own evidence, you may file a report at your local police station. 

Your attorney can handle the rest

Filing a police report should always be your first line of action after an auto accident. You will also have to report the accident to your insurance company, but keep your comments to a minimum. If the insurance companies have any questions, an experienced Arkansas auto accident attorney can answer on your behalf.  

The legal team at McDaniel Law Firm, PLC know how crucial police reports are when holding negligent drivers and their insurance companies accountable. They can try to twist the facts or pin the blame on you, but if the proof is accurately documented, we can fight back. In the event of an error in the police report, we can help you set the record straight. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us for a free consultation. 

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