Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro Head-on Crashes Often Result in Fatalities

Arkansas auto accident attorneyHead-on crashes are among the most serious car accidents which occur on the roads. This type of crash is disproportionately deadly because of the added momentum which occurs when two cars strike each other directly. Just recently, WREG reported on a head-on accident which resulted in a fatality.

The deadly accident happened on Parker Road in Jonesboro when a 25-year-old woman crossed the double yellow line into oncoming traffic. A semi-truck driver was traveling in an eastbound direction and tried to get out of the way but was not able to. His truck had swerved into the eastbound lane to avoid the 25-year-old driver. When the woman swerved back into her own lane, her vehicle and the semi-truck crashed head-on.

Unfortunately, the woman was killed in the accident. The semi-truck driver was not injured. The crash is under investigation and it is not clear why the woman had veered out of her lane. As in so many head-on accidents, the force of the impact resulted in her death. Crossing over into oncoming traffic is one of the most serious violations on the road and is almost always likely to result in a collision, as other drivers are not able to get out of the way in time.

There are several primary reasons why drivers end up becoming involved in head-on crashes, all of which can be avoided if drivers exercise more care and follow the rules. For example, the most common causes of head-on crashes include:

  • Driver intoxication. Drunk drivers cross over a double yellow line into oncoming traffic or drunk drivers get onto a highway going in the wrong direction.
  • Driver drowsiness. Drivers who fall asleep can also veer into the oncoming lane of traffic. Even dozing off for a second or closing your eyes for a second can result in your vehicle wandering out of its lane.
  • Driver distraction. Motorists may look down at their phone or at other infotainment devices in their vehicle and their car can end up straying of their lane and into opposing traffic.
  • Unsafe passing. It is common for unsafe passing on two lane roads to result in head-on crashes. This is a big risk in rural areas where there are many two lane roads which allow passing when the road is clear.

Drivers have the ability to make smart decisions and significantly reduce the chances of becoming involved in head-on car accidents. By avoiding high-risk behaviors, fatal accidents like the recent collision in Jonesboro can be avoided.

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