Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

Confronting distracted drivers and other risky driving behavior

Distracted Driving

You would think that a primary concern of drivers would be the safety of their passengers. Unfortunately, you are wrong. A survey by LeithCars.com found that 97 percent of passengers reported confronting a driver about their distracted driving. Yet the problem continues to pose a significant danger. The survey found 22.5 percent of respondents had been passengers in crashes caused by distracted driving.

Confronting a distracted driver about their dangerous behavior is uncomfortable, to say the least. It becomes worse when the driver does not react well to comments about their poor habits. The survey found drivers often became extremely, moderately or somewhat defensive. The breakdown:

  • Ride-hail or taxi driver: 61 percent.
  • Family member: 52.8 percent.
  • Significant other: 51.2 percent.
  • Coworker: 47.4 percent.
  • Friend: 42.9 percent.

Passengers reported drivers texting and browsing the internet were the leading causes of accidents. The behaviors also were the primary sources of passenger complaints.

Is distracted driving dangerous? Yes

The hazards of distracted driving potentially rival driving while intoxicated in terms of road safety and insurance ratings, according to LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Getting a ticket for texting or using a phone while driving can hike insurance rates anywhere from 23 percent to 63 percent, depending on the state, The Zebra reported.

Conflicting attitudes are part of the problem. Baby boomers see using a cell phone as more dangerous than drinking and driving. Millennials believe the opposite, according to the LeithCars.com survey.

Rideshare drivers, in particular, pose risks to their passengers. In the survey, 85 percent said the operators of taxis and ridesharing vehicles were distracted by speeding, weaving through traffic, being too chatty with passengers and talking on their phones.

Should you seek expert help? Definitely

If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, you’re facing many obstacles. Depending on the seriousness of your injuries, you may be out of work, unable to support your family or to pay bills. The distracted driver is extremely unlikely to admit that they were, for example, texting at the time of the crash, placing the legal burden on you. At the same time, an insurance company that knows you are desperate for money will tempt you with a lowball financial settlement. One misstep on your part, even an innocent one, could place the future of yourself and your family at risk.

The car accident lawyers at McDaniel Law Firm, PLC have been representing hard-working families throughout Arkansas for nearly 50 years. Based in Jonesboro, we will use our experience and determination to secure justice and fair financial compensation for you and your family. We charge no fees or expenses unless we win your case. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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