Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

How to read your Arkansas crash report

Car accident report

If you were involved in a car accident, there are many pieces of evidence your attorney will collect to help you build a strong legal claim. One critical piece of evidence is a copy of your Arkansas car accident report, which is documented by the police. When police officers arrive at the scene of a crash, they take note of the details indicating how the crash occurred and who was at fault.

getting a copy of your Arkansas car accident report

Car accident reports are available online at the Arkansas Department of Public Safety website for a fee of $10. Your report should be available electronically within ten days from the date of your crash. An experienced Arkansas car accident attorney can also obtain a copy of our car accident report for you.

It's critical that you review the report and ensure that the information documented by police is accurate. Any inaccurate information on your report can be leveraged against your claim by the other driver's insurance company. Your car accident report will consist of four pages involving codes, abbreviations and symbols. The attorneys at McDaniel Law Firm, PLC can help you better understand how to read your car accident report and what you can expect to find. Click here for a visual reference to your report.

Page 1

Page one of your report will contain the basic details documented by police. This includes:

  • The time, date, and location of the crash.
  • Driver information (for both parties involved) such as the name and address.
  • Vehicle description, including the year, make, model, body style, and color.
  • Estimated damage caused by the crash.
  • Whether a blood, breath or urine test was administered by an officer.
  • If a car was towed after the crash, including the location it was towed to.

Page 2

On page two, you'll find the crash narrative section. This is where an officer describes how he or she believes the crash occurred. The narrative may not be completely accurate. If any of the information in the narrative is false, your attorney can dispute it.

Page 3

On page three, you'll find a crash diagram drawn by the investigating police officer. The diagram provides a visual description of how the officer believe your crash occurred. This will include:

  • The direction both cars were traveling and facing at the time of the crash.
  • Skid marks in the road.
  • Damage inflicted to both cars.
  • If the crash occurred at an intersection.

Page 4

Page four of your report only applies if you were involved in a crash with a commercial motor vehicle. This page includes:

  • Information pertaining to a truck driver, fleet owner or trucking company.
  • The type of truck crash and sequence of events that led to it.
  • If there was a hazardous material leakage and if there was a haz mat placard on the truck.
  • The type of commercial vehicle involved (bus, semi-truck, light truck, van, etc.)

Contact our law firm for help with your claim

Car accident claims are often complex and difficult to navigate. Having the right legal representation can maximize your chances of getting a fair financial compensation through a settlement or court verdict. The attorneys at McDaniel Law Firm, PLC will work tirelessly to gather the facts to help you build your case. We'll also deal with the insurance companies on your behalf while you focus on your recovery.

Our law office is located in Jonesboro. Contact us online today to schedule your free legal consultation.

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