Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

Personal Injury FAQs - Jonesboro Accident Attorneys

What should I look for in choosing a lawyer to represent me?

Before hiring a lawyer, you should research the firm and lawyers you are considering. Ask for information about the lawyer's education, training and experience, and ask the lawyer to tell you about his or her experience in dealing with cases similar to yours. Ask about the lawyer's courtroom experience, and be confident that if your case goes to court, your lawyer has the knowledge and experience to be successful. Ask the lawyer to go over the attorney's fee contract with you in detail, and be sure you understand how the lawyer's fees and costs will be paid at the end of the case.

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Is my injury serious enough for a case?

Some accidents result in minor cuts or bruises. Other times, injury victims face broken bones, neck and spinal cord injuries, or traumatic brain injuries. How do you know if your injury is serious enough for a case? It's a difficult question to answer. Some minor injuries turn into major ones with time. That's why it's best to speak with an attorney. An experienced attorney can discuss your options. We offer free consultations. There's no obligation when you speak with us about your injury.

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Do I need a lawyer if the insurance company has offered to pay my medical bills?

Arkansas law provides for an injured person to be compensated or made whole by the responsible party. Obviously, the extent of compensation will vary depending on the specific facts of a case. In your case, full compensation may include elements of damage other than payment of medical bills, such as payment for pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of ability to enjoy life, lost wages and diminished earning capacity. This is why early consultation with a lawyer experienced in personal injury cases can help you obtain the maximum recovery allowed by the law.

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Isn't it expensive to pursue a claim involving serious injuries or a defective product? Who pays for the out-of-pocket expenses to prosecute my case?

It can be very expensive to pursue claims involving serious injuries and defective products. It is not uncommon for the costs in such cases to exceed many tens of thousands of dollars. At McDaniel Law Firm, PLC, we understand that the expenses of pursuing significant cases can be substantial. Accordingly, we have positioned ourselves to advance the costs needed to prepare complex cases for trial. In a successfully concluded case, out-of-pocket expenses are a client's responsibility. If and when the case reaches successful conclusion, the costs we have advanced are reimbursed out of the final recovery.

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What is my case worth?

Every case is unique. Before an accurate determination of the value of your personal injury case can be made, your doctors must have determined that you have reached maximum medical improvement, and we must have a thorough understanding of your course of medical treatment, your current condition and your future prognosis. Additionally, we must have had an opportunity to completely investigate the details of the accident, and analyze the impact that the accident has had on your wage-earning ability and on your lifestyle. Only then can an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney accurately determine the value of your case. You should be wary of any law firm that purports to put a specific value on your claim before having an opportunity to learn all of the relevant facts and determine the impact that the accident will have on your future.

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I'm not the "suing" type. Is there any way my claim can be resolved without actually filing a lawsuit?

You should know that the vast majority of personal injury claims are resolved before a jury reaches a verdict at trial. Many cases are settled even before a lawsuit must be filed. The ultimate decision about whether to file a lawsuit is the client's. At McDaniel Law Firm, PLC, we are committed to helping our clients reach a satisfactory conclusion to their claim, whether by a lawsuit and trial, or by an out-of-court settlement. Our lawyers are experienced in alternative dispute resolution procedures, such as mediation, that can avoid the need to file a lawsuit altogether. In all cases, we take the time to explain to our clients the alternatives available, including the risks and advantages of each, so that our clients can make an informed decision that is best for his or her individual circumstances.

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Will my case go to trial if we do have to file suit?

Most lawsuits that are filed are settled before trial. Regardless, we prepare every case as if it will ultimately be decided by a jury. We believe in being prepared in the event an agreement between the parties cannot be reached. At the same time, our philosophy is to aggressively pursue resolution of claims at all stages in the case, so that the process does not become unduly difficult, burdensome, or expensive for our clients, and so that we obtain the best results possible.

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Discover how McDaniel Law Firm, PLC can make a meaningful difference in your life

The worst is over. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC is ready to set things right. Contact us today to get started. A delay may affect your rights. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office. We proudly serve clients throughout Northeast Arkansas (including Jonesboro, Paragould, Craighead County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Mississippi County, Poinsett County), all of Arkansas, Southeast Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee.

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