Aggressive driving is extremely dangerous. Many drivers are reckless behind the wheel because they allow their frustration to get the better of them. When drivers give in to their frustration and it manifests in dangerous ways, victims of aggressive driving accidents need to know their legal rights. If you are injured as a result of a...
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Preventing Jonesboro Motorcycle Crashes
Spring is here, and that means more bikers are going to be on the roads in and around Jonesboro enjoying the warm weather. Unfortunately, that does mean there’s an elevated risk of being involved in motorcycle accidents. While any motor vehicle accident can cause serious injuries, motorcyclists are especially vulnerable because they don’t have the...
Read MoreTrucker's Increase in Opioid Use Increasing Accident Risks in Jonesboro
Opioid use has hit epidemic levels throughout the United States. Since 1999, the number of deaths due to opioid use have quadrupled, according to Health and Human Services. More than 165,000 people have been killed by opioid overdose since 1999, and opioid overdose is rapidly moving up the list as a leading cause of death. According to...
Read MoreAre Overloaded Trucks Putting Jonesboro Motorists at Risk?
YouTube is chock full of videos of "overloaded truck fails" in which trucks tip over because their cargo loads are too heavy. While these videos are showcased as entertaining, the reality is overloaded trucks are no laughing matter. In reality, as Trucking Info reports: "Year-after-year, overloaded trucks are one of the leading causes of truck-related accidents." An...
Read MoreHow Rolling Back Regulations Could Cause More Jonesboro Truck Accidents
The trucking industry is a heavily regulated industry because it needs to be. Commercial trucks could cause devastating accidents if drives are not experienced or if they do negligent and unsafe things such as driving when they are too tired. While car accident fatality rates have been falling, a New York Times op-ed warned about a 17...
Read MoreUsed Cars with Active Recalls Present Hidden Dangers
Last year, there were more used cars sold than new cars sold. According to the New York Times, around 38 million used cars were sold over the course of the year. A good number of these used cars which were sold, unfortunately, were originally manufactured during years when there were record high numbers of auto...
Read MoreThe E-Log Mandate and the Prevention of Jonesboro Truck Accidents
Truck drivers deserve a safe working environment, and motorists deserve a safe place to drive. Unfortunately, sometimes truckers and drivers do not get what they deserve. There are situations where truckers end up having to drive for many hours in a day. Sometimes truckers remain behind the wheel longer than is safe, particularly considering they...
Read MorePassenger Distractions Can Cause Passenger Injuries & Fatalities
Drivers have a responsibility to passengers to stay safe and avoid unnecessary risks. A big part of this important responsibility involves drivers not letting passengers they are transporting cause a distraction. This can be hard sometimes for parents with kids in the car or for teens with friends in the car. But when parents do focus on...
Read MoreJonesboro Drivers Can Help Reduce Truck Accidents
Truck drivers are responsible for many of the truck accidents which occur. Truckers may drive when fatigued, fail to follow best practices for safety, speed, and make many other mistakes which result in motor vehicle accidents occurring. When truckers cause accidents, they- and their employers- can be held accountable for losses. Victims can pursue truck...
Read MoreJonesboro Police Officer, Suspect Injured In Patrol Car Crash
In a recent crash, a Jonesboro police officer was trapped inside his overturned vehicle while a suspect was ejected out the back window. Arkansas Online reported on the crash, which took place Thursday, August 18 just after 5 p.m. Officer Justin Thompson was transporting suspect Logan Younger to the Craighead County jail in the...
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