Personal Injury Lawyers Jonesboro, Arkansas

The Most Common Types Of Car Accidents In Arkansas - Our Law Firm Investigates All Kinds of Car Wrecks

As experienced car accident attorneys in Jonesboro, we have handled many types of motor vehicle crashes. While car accidents cover a wide range of factors, some of the most common types of car accidents seen on I-55, I-40 and other roads and highways throughout Northeast Arkansas include rear-end collisions, collisions at intersections, head-on collisions and accidents involving drunk drivers and distracted drivers. Click on the following topics to read more:

McDaniel Law Firm, PLC understands how difficult life can become after any type of accident. That's why we work so hard on behalf of car accident victims in Jonesboro, Paragould, Northeast Arkansas and throughout the state. We care about helping people, and we know the work we do today can make a difference for everyone in the future.

We routinely visit the scene of the accident. We interview witnesses. We know what to look for on police reports, hospital records and other documents to build a strong case. We do all this work with one goal in mind: to get clients the results they need and deserve.

At McDaniel Law Firm, PLC, we work for you. Contact us today.

An accident can turn your life upside-down in a matter of seconds. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC is ready to help. Contact us today. We're ready to help set things right. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office. We proudly serve clients throughout Northeast Arkansas (including Jonesboro, Paragould, Craighead County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Mississippi County, Poinsett County), all of Arkansas, Southeast Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee.

Drunk Driving Accidents

Arkansas has strict laws prohibiting drinking and driving. These laws exist to protect everyone on the road. People who drive under the influence of alcohol put all drivers, passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists at immediate risk of injury. Yet despite drivers being well-aware of these risks, alcohol-related crashes still occur in Arkansas every day. According to an Arkansas State Police report, there were 190 alcohol-related fatalities in 2011 alone. That's 34 percent of the 571 crash fatalities in 2011. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC believes strongly in holding impaired drivers accountable for their actions.

You can rely on a drunk driving accident attorney in Jonesboro

If you sustained a serious injury in an auto accident caused by a drunk driver, you should be compensated for your injuries and other expenses related to your accident. You should not be forced to pay your own medical bills and suffer financially because you are unable to work for weeks or months. You shouldn't feel pressure from insurance companies to settle for less than you deserve. Actions have consequences. Drunk drivers must be held responsible.

McDaniel Law Firm, PLC fights aggressively to get compensation for car accident victims who are dealing with serious losses due to intoxicated drivers. A serious drunk driving accident in Craighead County or Lawrence County can lead to catastrophic injuries or even a wrongful death. The following are just a few serious injuries we have seen in car accidents involving drunk drivers:

  • Internal injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Burns
  • Multiple broken bones

What to do after a drunk driving accident in Jonesboro

Knowing what to do after a drunk driving car accident can be overwhelming. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC is here to help. Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in the constantly-changing laws relating to motor vehicle liability and motor vehicle insurance, including the no-fault and uninsured motorist laws, and are experienced in dealing with the sophisticated issues involving accident reconstruction, biomechanics, and human factors that often arise in significant motor vehicle accident cases.

Feel confident knowing your case is in good hands when you hire McDaniel Law Firm, PLC. We're ready to meet with you. If you suffered an injury or lost a loved one after an accident, you need to know your rights. We know how to get results for injured individuals and families who have lost loved ones. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office.

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Texting While Driving Accidents

Injured by a texting driver? Rely on McDaniel Law Firm, PLC to protect your rights

Texting while driving causes thousands of auto accidents each year. That's why 44 states have laws prohibiting all texting while driving. Arkansas is no exception. Laws exist banning texting while driving for all drivers. Even so, drivers take their eyes off the road to send and receive text messages every day in Jonesboro, Paragould and throughout the state. Unfortunately, texting while driving accidents have become increasingly common.

How do texting accidents happen in Arkansas?

What are the most common types of car accidents caused by texting drivers? Rear-end accidents are common when drivers are more preoccupied with their phone than the traffic ahead of them. A texting driver may even miss a traffic signal altogether. Texting accidents involving motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists are frighteningly common, often resulting in serious and life-threatening injuries due to driver inattention.

McDaniel Law Firm, PLC has seen a variety of injuries resulting from text messaging accidents, including the following:

  • Neck injuries/whiplash
  • Back injuries
  • Head injuries

Can a Jonesboro texting accident lawyer help me?

Distracted drivers need to be held accountable. But you may find the driver who caused your accident denies any wrongdoing. His insurance company might blame you for the accident. Our attorneys are well-versed in the constantly-changing laws relating to motor vehicle liability. We know the right evidence to look for. In some cases, we may examine the cell phone records of a driver to determine if he or she was texting.

McDaniel Law Firm, PLC wants to take the time to learn about your case. We understand how difficult life can become after an accident. That's why we work so hard for each of our clients. You shouldn't have to foot the bill for somebody else's careless mistakes. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office.

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Talking on a Cell Phone

Some drivers might not realize that talking on a cell phone - even if it's a hands-free device - can increase the chances of getting into a crash. What might come as even more of a surprise is that talking on a cell phone while driving may be just as dangerous as drunk driving.

Talking on a hands-free device is equal to driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08, which is level that is viewed as being legally drunk in Arkansas, according to experts who have studied the impact of cell phones on driving.  Furthermore, researchers at the University of Utah found that "data demonstrated that conversing on a cell phone impaired driving performance and that the distracted effects of cell phone conversation were equivalent for hand-held and hands-free devices."

The automobile organization AAA has reported that drivers - even when they use hands-free devices to talk - face dangerous mental distractions.  Researchers call these "cognitive distractions." This means a driver's brain gets overloaded with information if he or she is talking on a cell phone and simultaneously trying to operate a vehicle.

Despite scientific studies revealing the dangerous risks of using cell phones or smart phones for any purposes while driving, many drivers continue to talk and drive and cause tragic accidents. According to a Harvard University study analyzing risk, use of cell phones while driving may result in about 2,600 deaths, 330,000 moderate to critical injuries and 240,000 minor injuries in the United States each year.

As of March 2015, Arkansas law allows drivers to talk on hand-held and hands-free cell phones. In February 2015, lawmakers rejected a proposed bill that would have outlawed the use of a hand-held cell phone while driving.

Our accident attorneys in Arkansas have handled a variety of cases involving distracted driving and urge all drivers to stay focused on the important task of operating the motor vehicle.  Even if the law allows drivers to converse on cell phones, the driver who makes the choice to talk on a cell phone and drive and then causes a car accident must be held accountable. Victims who are injured or families who lose loved ones in accidents involving drivers distracted by cell phones may be entitled to compensation. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC can help. Call 870-336-4747 today.

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Asleep-at-the-Wheel Accidents

Fatigued driver accident lawyers in Jonesboro ready to fight for you

Accidents involving fatigued drivers are often associated with tractor-trailer accidents. But truck drivers aren't the only drivers on I-55, I-40 and other major Arkansas roadways driving with too little sleep. At McDaniel Law Firm, PLC, our attorneys understand asleep-at-the-wheel accidents are one of the most common - and often overlooked - factors in car accidents in Jonesboro, Paragould and throughout Northeast Arkansas.

A closer look at asleep-at-the-wheel accidents

Many people have probably experienced the feeling of being too tired while driving. But many people may be unaware of the dramatic effect fatigue can have on their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Fatigued driving is a form of impaired driving. Rear-end accidents may occur after a fatigued driver fails to observe a traffic signal. They might even cause a head-on crash after momentarily falling asleep-at-the-wheel and veering into oncoming traffic.

Tired drivers may get more sympathy from the public than drunk drivers or drivers who send or receive text messages. We don't think that's fair to accident victims. Every fatigued driver involved in a car accident had a choice. All drivers have a choice to pull over and rest. Tired drivers can pull to the side of the road to rest or get a cup of coffee. They can ask a friend to drive. They can choose not to drive at all.

How a Jonesboro tired driver accident can help

When you contact McDaniel Law Firm, PLC, rest assured your case will receive personalized attention from a Jonesboro fatigued driver accident lawyer who puts clients' needs first.  We're ready to put our experience to work for you. You shouldn't have to foot the bill for somebody else's reckless behavior. That's why we're here. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office.

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Hit and Run Accidents

Injured in a hit and run? You have legal rights

It's the type of accident you never believed would happen: you were injured or a loved one was killed by a driver who flees the scene of your accident. Hit and run drivers have no excuses.  It's simply a cowardly and illegal act. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC works to hold negligent drivers accountable for your injuries. But if a hit and run driver is unable to be located, we may be able to pursue compensation from your own insurance company. That's why these cases can be extremely complex.

What to do if you're involved in a hit and run accident in Arkansas

Hit and run accident victims often have difficulty getting compensation for their injuries or property damage because sometimes the person to blame has already left the scene. Drivers may not stop because they don't have auto insurance, a driver's license, or they may have an outstanding warrant for their arrest. However, there is no good reason to not stop after being in an accident. Hit and run accidents are considered criminal.

  • Do not try to follow the driver. He or she may be dangerous and should not be confronted without the authorities.
  • Call 911 and report the event. Provide as many details as possible, including anything you can remember from the vehicle, such as license plate number.
  • Talk to witnesses and collect their contact information.
  • Take photographs of your car and scene of the accident.

Can a Jonesboro hit and run accident lawyer help me?

No two hit and run accidents in Arkansas are the same. No two clients are ever the same, either. That's why McDaniel Law Firm, PLC takes the time to learn about every client we work with. We're not afraid to go the extra mile for each of our clients. You have enough to worry about after an accident. Let us shoulder the burden for you. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office.

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Rear-End Accidents

Jonesboro rear-end accident lawyers who'll put your needs first

Rear-end accidents are among the most common types of accidents seen on Northeast Arkansas roadways. But that doesn't make the impact of such accidents any less devastating. Rear-end accidents can lead to very serious injuries. To the insurance company, rear-end crashes might seem like minor fender benders. An insurance claims adjuster might downplay a whiplash injury as "minor" and deserving of little compensation. Often these accidents and these injuries are extremely serious. From downtown Jonesboro to Interstate 55, a rear-end accidents can turn life upside-down in a matter of seconds.

McDaniel Law Firm, PLC understands rear-end accidents happen for a variety of reasons. Many rear-end crashes have been linked to distracted driving and drivers who are texting behind the wheel. Other times, a driver may be intoxicated or speeding when he fails to stop behind you at a stop sign or red light. No matter what the reason, you shouldn't have to suffer because of someone else's reckless driving.

Injuries from Rear-End Crashes Can be Significant

Insurance companies often will take the position that a rear-end crash yields only minor injuries. Sometimes, a minor injury develops into something more severe. Whether you have sustained back and neck injuries, wrist injuries or any type of other injury after a rear-end accident, McDaniel Law Firm, PLC will work to get the compensation you deserve. We know that your injury, no matter how minor it might appear to an insurance company, can create medical bills and other financial burdens in your life.

How can a rear-end accident lawyer in Jonesboro help?

Accidents happen fast in Arkansas. Knowing what to do can be difficult. We work hard for each of our clients to ensure you get the justice you deserve. Don't let insurance companies intimidate you. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC can help. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office.

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Distracted Driving Accidents

Aggressive, determined Jonesboro distracted driving accident attorneys

Drivers in Arkansas know it's dangerous to take their eyes off the road. But that doesn't stop many drivers from doing so every time they get behind the wheel, often multiple times during a single car ride. Some drivers might even be used to texting while driving, grabbing a bite to eat before work or paying more attention to their passengers than the road ahead. Unfortunately, car accidents caused by distracted drivers are all-too-common. These types of crashes have been happening since the first cars rolled off the assembly line.

McDaniel Law Firm, PLC understands how difficult life can become after an accident with a distracted driver. We care about helping people, and we care about making Arkansas a better place to live. That's why we work so hard to investigate every accident to the fullest extent. We interview witnesses, visit the accident scene, review police reports, hospital records, and phone record. The driver who hit you might try to say they did nothing wrong. Their insurance company might even say you caused the accident. Don't be hurt twice. Call today for a free consultation.

How do distracted driving accidents happen?

Distracted driving covers a wide range. Sometimes, drivers simply take their eyes off the road for a second. Maybe they're changing radio stations or reaching for a coffee. Other times, they're dialing their phone or trying to text someone. Whatever the reason, there's no excuse for taking your eyes off the road. Accidents on the roads and highways surrounding Jonesboro and Paragould can happen in a split second, resulting in serious, often fatal injuries.

Common causes of distracted driving accidents include:

  • Talking with passengers
  • Talking on a cell phone
  • Texting, browsing social media or using the internet
  • Eating or drinking
  • Smoking
  • Daydreaming
  • Rubbernecking, or looking at accidents at the side of the road
  • Looking at people or objects at the side of the road
  • Grooming

How can a distracted driving accident lawyer help?

Every distracted driving case presents its own unique challenges. No two accident victims are the same. That's why McDaniel Law Firm, PLC takes a personalized approach to each case. We're here to serve your legal needs. You shouldn't have to suffer financially for somebody else's careless mistakes. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office.

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Losing Control of the Vehicle

Jonesboro accident lawyers ready to fight for you

Sometimes drivers lose control of their vehicles. Weather conditions such as icy or slick streets can cause a driver to lose control, but one of the major factors in these types of accidents is reckless or careless driving. Drivers might be under the influence of alcohol, texting, speeding or operating while fatigued. They might swerve and then over correct. In some loss of control accidents, vehicles roll over, which can lead to serious injuries and fatalities.

The following are some of the common causes of loss of control:

  • Exceeding the speed limit or going too fast for the conditions
  • Talking to other people in the car
  • Failing to pay attention
  • Fiddling with the car's sound system
  • Eating or drinking
  • Putting on makeup

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Contact an experienced attorney at McDaniel Law Firm, PLC

An accident can change everything. McDaniel Law Firm, PLC is ready to help. Contact us. Call 870-336-4747 and schedule a free consultation today at our Jonesboro office. We proudly serve clients throughout Northeast Arkansas (including Jonesboro, Paragould, Craighead County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Mississippi County, Poinsett County), all of Arkansas, Southeast Missouri, and Memphis, Tennessee.

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